Podręcznik Zestaw Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Ultimate Core Boxed Set RPG

800,00 PLN
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Pathfinder for Savage Worlds combines the Fast! Furious! Fun! of the best-selling, award-winning Savage Worlds game system with the incredible depth and excitement of Paizo's phenomenal Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the world of Golarion.

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Podręcznik Zestaw Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Ultimate Core Boxed Set RPG

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds combines the Fast! Furious! Fun! of the best-selling, award-winning Savage Worlds game system with the incredible depth and excitement of Paizo's phenomenal Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the world of Golarion.

A massive boxed set that includes:

  • the Core Rules
  • Bestiary
  • GM Screen and Hollow's Last Hope adventure
  • Quick Chase Deck
  • Action Deck
  • Power cards
  • Status cards
  • Archetype Cards - Set 1
  • templates and tokens
  • dice
  • Bennies
  • Bookmarks (with helpful hints and reminders for game play!)

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