Podręcznik Dungeons and Dragons 4E Reavers of Harkenwold Part 2 - The Die is Cast

150,00 PLN
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Reavers of Harkenwold is an adventure in two parts which comes with the Dungeon Master's Kit. This adventure is designed to take a group of players (preferably 5 or even 6 of them) from level 2 to level 4 in about 20 combat encounters interspersed with some roleplaying. The biggest selling point of the Reavers of Harkenwold is it's open structure. There is some flexibility: Some encounters can be skipped, or played in a different order. This adventure takes place in the Harkenwold region of the Nentir Vale and is about the plot of the Iron Circle faction.

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Podręcznik Dungeons and Dragons 4E Reavers of Harkenwold Part 2 - The Die is Cast

Reavers of Harkenwold is an adventure in two parts which comes with the Dungeon Master's Kit. This adventure is designed to take a group of players (preferably 5 or even 6 of them) from level 2 to level 4 in about 20 combat encounters interspersed with some roleplaying. The biggest selling point of the Reavers of Harkenwold is it's open structure. There is some flexibility: Some encounters can be skipped, or played in a different order. This adventure takes place in the Harkenwold region of the Nentir Vale and is about the plot of the Iron Circle faction.


Dungeons & Dragons to prosty, ale głęboki w swojej strukturze system, którego skumulowane w grubych podręcznikach możliwości odkrywa się stopniowo.

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