OUTLET Podręcznik Dungeons and Dragons 4E HS1 The Slaying Stone

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Goblins have invaded Kiris Dahn, once a jewel in the crown of Nerath, the fallen human kingdom. Within its plundered ruins lie treasures yet to be unearthed, including the last of the slaying stones - deadly relics from bygone wars. Even now, evil forces scour the ruins in search of the stone, but they are not alone! Adventurers have come to Kiris Dahn, bringing death and destruction in their wake.
"The Slaying Stone" is a stand-alone DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® adventure designed for 1st-level characters. It fits easily into any homebrew campaign and features an easy-to-run encounter format and a full-color, double-sided battlemap.

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OUTLET Podręcznik Dungeons and Dragons 4E HS1 The Slaying Stone

Goblins have invaded Kiris Dahn, once a jewel in the crown of Nerath, the fallen human kingdom. Within its plundered ruins lie treasures yet to be unearthed, including the last of the slaying stones - deadly relics from bygone wars. Even now, evil forces scour the ruins in search of the stone, but they are not alone! Adventurers have come to Kiris Dahn, bringing death and destruction in their wake.
"The Slaying Stone" is a stand-alone DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® adventure designed for 1st-level characters. It fits easily into any homebrew campaign and features an easy-to-run encounter format and a full-color, double-sided battlemap.

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