OUTLET Podręcznik Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E The Complete Thief's Handbook

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Details the proficiencies, tools of the trade, and strategies for use by "thieves" in this role-playing game

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OUTLET Podręcznik Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2E The Complete Thief's Handbook

Details the proficiencies, tools of the trade, and strategies for use by "thieves" in this role-playing game
Hide in shadows, move silently, find traps, open locks - if you thought that was all a thief was good for, think again. The masters of skulking and skullduggery are a force to be reckoned with. Is anyone or anything safe from a person who might be anywhere, anytime?

Learn the thief's most closely guarded secrets in this devious accessory for the AD&D game.

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