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Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion

113,00 PLN

Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite - and the most deadly - of the Alliance’s soldiers. These grizzled combat veterans need unwavering dedication to their cause in order to endure the horrors of their operations and missions.

With the Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion you can sneak behind enemy lines and hit the Empire where it’s most vulnerable. This expansion features six finely sculpted Rebel Pathfinder miniatures, enough for one special forces unit. You’ll also find a unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to outfit your Rebel Pathfinders for any operation.

Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the beaches of Scarif with the six unique, highly detailed miniatures featured in this expansion! Four Rebel Pathfinders armed with A-300 rifles are ready to do anything to protect the Rebellion, while Bistan and Pao are both ready to join the squad as heavy weapons specialists. 

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Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion

Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite - and the most deadly - of the Alliance’s soldiers. These grizzled combat veterans need unwavering dedication to their cause in order to endure the horrors of their operations and missions.

With the Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Pathfinders Unit Expansion you can sneak behind enemy lines and hit the Empire where it’s most vulnerable. This expansion features six finely sculpted Rebel Pathfinder miniatures, enough for one special forces unit. You’ll also find a unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to outfit your Rebel Pathfinders for any operation.

Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the beaches of Scarif with the six unique, highly detailed miniatures featured in this expansion! Four Rebel Pathfinders armed with A-300 rifles are ready to do anything to protect the Rebellion, while Bistan and Pao are both ready to join the squad as heavy weapons specialists. 


  • instrukcja
  • 6 figurek
  • 9 kart
  • żetony

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