Star Wars Legion: Imperial Dark Troopers

177,00 PLN
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Imperial armies get a terrifying new addition with this expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Elite combat droids programmed for maximum destruction, Dark Troopers are not deterred by fear, danger, or concern for their own survival. As a new Imperial Special Forces unit, the seven Dark Trooper miniatures in this expansion give players a variety of ways to terrify their opponents, including a XS-IV Assault Cannon Trooper, an SM-9 Frag Launcher Trooper, and an Mertalizer Trooper. Beyond their standard and heavy weapon options, the Dark Troopers are also accompanied by a new programming upgrade that gives players another way to customize their approach to battle.

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Star Wars Legion: Imperial Dark Troopers

Imperial armies get a terrifying new addition with this expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Elite combat droids programmed for maximum destruction, Dark Troopers are not deterred by fear, danger, or concern for their own survival. As a new Imperial Special Forces unit, the seven Dark Trooper miniatures in this expansion give players a variety of ways to terrify their opponents, including a XS-IV Assault Cannon Trooper, an SM-9 Frag Launcher Trooper, and an Mertalizer Trooper. Beyond their standard and heavy weapon options, the Dark Troopers are also accompanied by a new programming upgrade that gives players another way to customize their approach to battle.


  • 7 plastikowych figurek do samodzielnego złożenia i pomalowania
  • 7 plastikowych podstawek
  • karty
  • żetony i znaczniki
  • instrukcja

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Czas dostawy: 5 dni roboczych
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