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Star Wars Legion: Geonosian Warriors - Unit Expansion

129,00 PLN

Geonosian Warriors join the Separatist cause in this new expansion for ​​Star Wars: Legion! Relying on their sturdy exoskeletons to protect them from harm and their great numbers to swarm their opponents, Geonosian Warriors are an imposing new Corps option for the Separatist Alliance.

This expansion adds seven Geonosian Warrior miniatures to players' armies, including a Geonosian Warrior leader and 4 Geonosian Warriors armed with powerful sonic blasters that are devastating at close range. Joining them are a Force Pike Warrior and a Sonic Cannon Warrior who can be added to the unit as heavy weapon options.

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Star Wars Legion: Geonosian Warriors - Unit Expansion

Geonosian Warriors join the Separatist cause in this new expansion for ​​Star Wars: Legion! Relying on their sturdy exoskeletons to protect them from harm and their great numbers to swarm their opponents, Geonosian Warriors are an imposing new Corps option for the Separatist Alliance.

This expansion adds seven Geonosian Warrior miniatures to players' armies, including a Geonosian Warrior leader and 4 Geonosian Warriors armed with powerful sonic blasters that are devastating at close range. Joining them are a Force Pike Warrior and a Sonic Cannon Warrior who can be added to the unit as heavy weapon options.


  • 7 figurek do samodzielnego pomalowania
  • 4 karty
  • tokeny
  • instrukcja

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