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Star Wars: Legion - B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion

129,00 PLN

B2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, the sight of a squad of these droids on the battlefield can chill even the most seasoned of clone troopers.

The Star Wars: Legion - B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion provides your army with six B2 Super Battle Droid miniatures to add to your Star Wars: Legion collection. Four of these miniatures feature the standard wrist cannons seen on most B2 battle droids and three of them can be posed in a variety of positions. Meanwhile, separate B2-HA and B2-ACM miniatures menace opposing armies with heavy weapons.

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Star Wars: Legion - B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion

B2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, the sight of a squad of these droids on the battlefield can chill even the most seasoned of clone troopers.

The Star Wars: Legion - B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion provides your army with six B2 Super Battle Droid miniatures to add to your Star Wars: Legion collection. Four of these miniatures feature the standard wrist cannons seen on most B2 battle droids and three of them can be posed in a variety of positions. Meanwhile, separate B2-HA and B2-ACM miniatures menace opposing armies with heavy weapons.


  • 6 plastikowych figurek do samodzielnego złożenia i pomalowania
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