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Star Wars Armada: Dial Pack

42,00 PLN

The Star Wars Armada: Dial Pack provides players with 10 additional command dials and seven additional speed dials, allowing them to further expand their fleets.

Additionally, this pack includes five pass tokens and six round tokens, giving players additional access to these essential components.

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Star Wars Armada: Dial Pack

The Star Wars Armada: Dial Pack provides players with 10 additional command dials and seven additional speed dials, allowing them to further expand their fleets.

Additionally, this pack includes five pass tokens and six round tokens, giving players additional access to these essential components.


  • tarcze rozkazów
  • tarcze prędkości
  • znaczniki i żetony

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Czas dostawy: 5 dni roboczych
Kup przed 13:00 w dzień roboczy -> Nadamy tego samego dnia :D