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Star Wars Armada - Chimaera Expansion Pack

153,00 PLN

Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives to the battles of Star Wars: Armada in the Chimaera Expansion Pack. Along with the chance to command your fleet with this brilliant, blue-skinned Chiss tactician, the Chimaera Expansion Pack introduces an Imperial Star Destroyer adorned with a distinctive chimaera design, two Mandalorian Gauntlet squadrons, six ship cards, and seventeen other upgrades. Altogether, these materials don’t just give your Star Destroyer a different aesthetic; they allow it to fill entirely new tactical and strategic roles within your Imperial fleet.

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Star Wars Armada - Chimaera Expansion Pack

Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives to the battles of Star Wars: Armada in the Chimaera Expansion Pack. Along with the chance to command your fleet with this brilliant, blue-skinned Chiss tactician, the Chimaera Expansion Pack introduces an Imperial Star Destroyer adorned with a distinctive chimaera design, two Mandalorian Gauntlet squadrons, six ship cards, and seventeen other upgrades. Altogether, these materials don’t just give your Star Destroyer a different aesthetic; they allow it to fill entirely new tactical and strategic roles within your Imperial fleet.


  • 1 pomalowana figurka statku z podstawką
  • 1 dysk prędkości
  • 3 dyski komend
  • 6 kart statku
  • 18 kart ulepszeń
  • 2 plastikowe Mandalorian Gauntlet Squadrons
  • 2 dyski Squadron
  • 2 karty Squadron
  • 29 znaczników

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